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Vaping in your car could lead to a fine

International Drivers Association is warning motorist when it comes to driving, visibility is everything. A clear, unobstructed view of the road is a fundamental requirement for safe driving. Safety experts believe a growing number of drivers are engaging in a risky pastime at the wheel – and it could potentially result in a fine and demerit points.

Understanding the Issue:

When you exhale the vapor from e-cigarettes inside your car, it can create a dense, cloudy atmosphere, significantly reducing visibility. This temporary visual impairment can be enough to obscure crucial details on the road and can lead to dangerous situations, accidents, or even fatalities.

The Legal Consequences:

In many jurisdictions around the world, anything that significantly reduces a driver's visibility can be considered a driving offense. The same laws that penalise drivers for having a windscreen or windows obscured by dirt or snow, for instance, can be applied to those whose view is obstructed by vape smoke. In the UK, this law falls under Section 41D of the Road Traffic Act 1988, and it carries a fine that can range up to £1,000.

Moreover, should an accident occur as a result of this impaired visibility, it can be considered as 'careless driving,' which carries even more serious consequences, including larger fines, higher insurance premiums, or even a driving ban.

Reducing the Risk:

To ensure your safety and avoid potential fines, consider the following recommendations:

1. Avoid Vaping While Driving: The simplest and most effective solution is to abstain from vaping while you're behind the wheel. 

2. Vent Your Car: If you must vape, ensure your vehicle is well-ventilated. Keep windows open to allow the vapor to dissipate quickly.

3. Take Regular Breaks: If you're on a long journey and feel the need to vape, it's better to take regular breaks and vape outside your car.

Use Less Vapor-Producing Devices: Some e-cigarettes produce more vapor than others. Opt for a device that generates less vapor to reduce the risk of obstructing your view.

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